Analisis blend policies dalam pengendalian stabilitas harga selama covid19 in the five superpowers countries
Analisis blend policies dalam pengendalian stabilitas harga selama covid19 in the five superpowers countries, Inflation; Price Stability; Monetary Policy; Fiscal Policy; VAR...
Date: 2024
Keywords: Inflation; Price Stability; Monetary Policy; Fiscal Policy; VAR
Type: Jurnal
Category: penelitian
Inflation is one of the economic problems that cannot be ignored. Combating the rate of inflation itself is a type of financial strategy in the form of economic policy which is often known as price stability. This study aims to determine the effect of monetary and fiscal policies in controlling price stability in the form of inflation from 2010 to 2021. This study uses the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) method using quantitative data in the form of secondary data taken from the world and processed using Eviews10. The objects in this study are from several monetary policy variables and fiscal policies, namely interest rate (SB), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Money Supply (JUB), Government Expenditure (GOV), Exchange Rate (KURS), and Tax (TAX) in 5 Super Power countries; Indonesia, India, Russia, China, and the United States. The study results show that the Blend Policies variable (Monetary and Fiscal Policy) influence each other in controlling price stability in the 5 Super Power countries in the short, medium, and long term.
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